Printout (I print out paper toys on 110lb. White card stock.)
-Craft Knife-Embossing Stylus Balled (optional I usually carefully score with a craft knife.)
-Small Stick (the end of a small paint brush, chopstick, or shish kabob stick)
-Metal Ruler
-Cutting Board (optional, just don't cut up your table
-Paper Towel (to wipe off excess glue)
-Bandages (optional, be careful when you are cutting. It's not fun to look for bandages when you are bleeding)
Notes to keep in mind:
-Make sure you are having fun. That is what paper craft is all about?
-Take your time.-Have extra craft knife blades handy. It is always best to cut with a sharp blade.
-Cut rounded parts with scissors and straight parts with craft knife.
-When scoring be careful not to score to deep and cut all the way through the model.
-Using the left over excess pieces of paper add a little glue to a piece of paper and use another piece to spread the glue.
-Use a stick for gluing hard to reach areas. I normally hold pieces together for 10-15 seconds.
-Tip: I spray my Paper Toys with Deft Clear Wood Finish Spray. It is a clear lacquer spray. Please test it on a scrap printout first. You would not want to spend all the time putting together a toy, then spray it and have the ink smear. If your printer ink does not run, spray it with 1 coat before cutting out and 1 coat after you have put it together.
you can also download the: Squealer Tutorial PDF Click to Download